UK's First Fashion Label Aimed At Ending Homelessness | Loop | BBC Scotland

Working on a brief from the Blankfaces project – the UK’s first fashion label, aimed at ending homelessness – fashion students Amy Carroll and Andrew Brown were assigned a task to design clothes inspired by homeless people and their stories.

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Meeting with and working alongside homeless people, Andrew and Amy ended up not only with ideas for their designs, but also a new awareness and understanding of the complex issues and problems faced by people who live on the streets.

“It’s something that’s actually really opened my eyes to the problem within homelessness,” Andrew explains.

“I’ll admit that I was quite guilty to just walking by and not noticing them there, not even noticing them as a human being but through Blank Faces I stopped and I spoke to homeless people.

They’ve got stories to tell and they are really interesting people, they are people, I think a lot of people forget that.”

Hear more about their experiences here.