By the Numbers: Wellness Spending Around the World

According to Global Wellness institute, the world wellness economy is worth $4.4 trillion, and is forecast to reach $7 trillion by 2025. 

At $1.2 trillion, the U.S. is the largest market, accounting for nearly 28 percent of the global wellness market, the organization said, while the top 10 countries overall represent 71 percent of the world total. 

In most cases, consumers in the wealthiest countries, such as Switzerland, spend the most on wellness. However, high-spending inbound wellness tourists propelled Aruba into the top 10 for per capita spending on the category despite it not being as wealthy as other countries ranked.

According to GWI, the wellness economy represents 5.1 percent of total GDP, and roughly one in every 20 “dollars” spent by consumers worldwide is on wellness. It said 60 percent of the market is comprised of nutrition/weight loss, beauty and physical activity, with sectors including traditional medicine and wellness tourism accounting for the remainder, depending on the region. 

Here, GWI’s top 10 wellness markets and the top 10 countries by wellness spending. 

The top 10 wellness markets:

  1. U.S.:              $1.2 trillion
  2. China:           $683 billion
  3. Japan:           $304 billion
  4. Germany:      $224 billion
  5. U.K.:                 $158 billion
  6. France:          $133 billion
  7. Canada:         $95 billion
  8. South Korea: $94 billion
  9. Italy:               $92 billion
  10. Australia:       $84 billion

The top 10 countries by wellness spending per capita:

  1. Switzerland:       $4,372
  2. Iceland:              $3,728
  3. U.S.:                    $3,685
  4. Austria:               $3,568
  5. Norway:              $3,346
  6. Australia:            $3,771
  7. New Zealand:    $2,969
  8. Denmark:           $2,958
  9. Hong Kong:       $2,943
  10. Aruba:                $2,792


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Source: WWD